halp 1.0 documentation



Source code for halp.utilities.directed_matrices

.. module:: directed_matrices
   :synopsis: Provides various methods for tranforming a hypergraph
            (or its components) into useful corresponding matrix
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse

from halp.directed_hypergraph import DirectedHypergraph

[docs]def get_node_mapping(H): """Generates mappings between the set of nodes and integer indices (where every node corresponds to exactly 1 integer index). :param H: the hypergraph to find the node mapping on. :returns: dict -- for each integer index, maps the index to the node. dict -- for each node, maps the node to the integer index. """ node_set = H.get_node_set() nodes_to_indices, indices_to_nodes = {}, {} node_index = 0 for node in node_set: nodes_to_indices.update({node: node_index}) indices_to_nodes.update({node_index: node}) node_index += 1 return indices_to_nodes, nodes_to_indices
[docs]def get_hyperedge_id_mapping(H): """Generates mappings between the set of hyperedge IDs and integer indices (where every hyperedge ID corresponds to exactly 1 integer index). :param H: the hypergraph to find the hyperedge ID mapping on. :returns: dict -- for each integer index, maps the index to the hyperedge ID. dict -- for each hyperedge ID, maps the hyperedge ID to the integer index. :raises: TypeError -- Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs """ if not isinstance(H, DirectedHypergraph): raise TypeError("Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs") indices_to_hyperedge_ids, hyperedge_ids_to_indices = {}, {} hyperedge_index = 0 for hyperedge_id in H.hyperedge_id_iterator(): hyperedge_ids_to_indices.update({hyperedge_id: hyperedge_index}) indices_to_hyperedge_ids.update({hyperedge_index: hyperedge_id}) hyperedge_index += 1 return indices_to_hyperedge_ids, hyperedge_ids_to_indices
[docs]def get_tail_incidence_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices): """Creates the incidence matrix of the tail nodes of the given hypergraph as a sparse matrix. :param H: the hypergraph for which to create the incidence matrix of. :param nodes_to_indices: for each node, maps the node to its corresponding integer index. :param hyperedge_ids_to_indices: for each hyperedge ID, maps the hyperedge ID to its corresponding integer index. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the incidence matrix as a sparse matrix. :raises: TypeError -- Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs """ if not isinstance(H, DirectedHypergraph): raise TypeError("Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs") rows, cols = [], [] for hyperedge_id, hyperedge_index in hyperedge_ids_to_indices.items(): for node in H.get_hyperedge_tail(hyperedge_id): # get the mapping between the node and its ID rows.append(nodes_to_indices.get(node)) cols.append(hyperedge_index) values = np.ones(len(rows), dtype=int) node_count = len(H.get_node_set()) hyperedge_count = len(H.get_hyperedge_id_set()) return sparse.csc_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=(node_count, hyperedge_count))
[docs]def get_head_incidence_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices): """Creates the incidence matrix of the head nodes of the given hypergraph as a sparse matrix. :param H: the hypergraph for which to create the incidence matrix of. :param nodes_to_indices: for each node, maps the node to its corresponding integer index. :param hyperedge_ids_to_indices: for each hyperedge ID, maps the hyperedge ID to its corresponding integer index. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the incidence matrix as a sparse matrix. :raises: TypeError -- Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs """ if not isinstance(H, DirectedHypergraph): raise TypeError("Algorithm only applicable to directed hypergraphs") rows, cols = [], [] for hyperedge_id, hyperedge_index in hyperedge_ids_to_indices.items(): for node in H.get_hyperedge_head(hyperedge_id): # get the mapping between the node and its ID rows.append(nodes_to_indices.get(node)) cols.append(hyperedge_index) values = np.ones(len(rows), dtype=int) node_count = len(H.get_node_set()) hyperedge_count = len(H.get_hyperedge_id_set()) return sparse.csc_matrix((values, (rows, cols)), shape=(node_count, hyperedge_count))
[docs]def get_hyperedge_weight_matrix(H, hyperedge_ids_to_indices): """Creates the diagonal matrix W of hyperedge weights as a sparse matrix. :param H: the hypergraph to find the weights. :param hyperedge_weights: the mapping from the indices of hyperedge IDs to the corresponding hyperedge weights. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the diagonal edge weight matrix as a sparse matrix. """ # Combined 2 methods into 1; this could be written better hyperedge_weights = {} for hyperedge_id in H.hyperedge_id_iterator(): hyperedge_weights.update({hyperedge_ids_to_indices[hyperedge_id]: H.get_hyperedge_weight(hyperedge_id)}) hyperedge_weight_vector = [] for i in range(len(hyperedge_weights.keys())): hyperedge_weight_vector.append(hyperedge_weights.get(i)) return sparse.diags([hyperedge_weight_vector], [0])
[docs]def get_vertex_degree_matrix(M, W): """Creates the diagonal maxtrix D_v of vertex degrees as a sparse matrix, where a vertex degree is the sum of the weights of all hyperedges in the vertex's star. :param M: the incidence matrix of the hypergraph to find the D_v matrix on. :param W: the diagonal hyperedge weight matrix of the hypergraph. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the diagonal vertex degree matrix as a sparse matrix. """ return sparse.diags([M * W.diagonal()], [0])
[docs]def get_hyperedge_degree_matrix(M): """Creates the diagonal matrix of hyperedge degrees D_e as a sparse matrix, where a hyperedge degree is the cardinality of the hyperedge. :param M: the incidence matrix of the hypergraph to find the D_e matrix on. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the diagonal hyperedge degree matrix as a sparse matrix. """ degrees = M.sum(0).transpose() new_degree = [] for degree in degrees: new_degree.append(int(degree[0:])) return sparse.diags([new_degree], [0])
[docs]def fast_inverse(M): """Computes the inverse of a diagonal matrix. :param H: the diagonal matrix to find the inverse of. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the inverse of the input matrix as a sparse matrix. """ diags = M.diagonal() new_diag = [] for value in diags: new_diag.append(1.0/value) return sparse.diags([new_diag], [0])
