halp 1.0 documentation



Source code for halp.algorithms.directed_random_walk

.. module:: directed_random_walk
   :synopsis: Defines several functions for performing a random walk on
            a directed hypergraph and finding its corresponding stationary
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import linalg
import random

from halp.directed_hypergraph import DirectedHypergraph
from halp.utilities import directed_matrices as dmat

[docs]def stationary_distribution(H, pi=None, P=None): """Computes the stationary distribution of a random walk on the given hypergraph using the iterative approach explained in the paper: Aurelien Ducournau, Alain Bretto, Random walks in directed hypergraphs and application to semi-supervised image segmentation, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 120, March 2014, Pages 91-102, ISSN 1077-3142, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2013.10.012. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1077314213002038) :param H: the hypergraph to find the 'Stationary Distribution' algorithm on. :param pi: the initial distribution over the nodes. If not provided, it will be created with a random distribution. :param P: the transition matrix for the hypergraph. If not provided, it will be created. :returns: list -- list of the stationary probabilities for all nodes in the hypergraph. :raises: TypeError -- Algorithm only applicable to undirected hypergraphs :raises: AssertionError -- Each node must have at least 1 outgoing hyperedge (even if it's only a self-loop). """ if not isinstance(H, DirectedHypergraph): raise TypeError("Algorithm only applicable to undirected hypergraphs") for node in H.node_iterator(): if len(H.get_forward_star(node)) == 0: raise AssertionError("Each node must have at least 1 outgoing \ hyperedge (even if it's only a self-loop).") indices_to_nodes, nodes_to_indices = \ dmat.get_node_mapping(H) indices_to_hyperedge_ids, hyperedge_ids_to_indices = \ dmat.get_hyperedge_id_mapping(H) if P is None: P = _compute_transition_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices) node_count = len(H.get_node_set()) if pi is None: pi = _create_random_starter(node_count) pi_star = _create_random_starter(node_count) while not _has_converged(pi_star, pi): pi = pi_star pi_star = pi * P return pi
def _compute_transition_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices): """Computes the transition matrix for a random walk on the given hypergraph as described in the paper: Aurelien Ducournau, Alain Bretto, Random walks in directed hypergraphs and application to semi-supervised image segmentation, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Volume 120, March 2014, Pages 91-102, ISSN 1077-3142, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cviu.2013.10.012. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1077314213002038) :param H: the hypergraph to find the transition matrix of. :param nodes_to_indices: for each node, maps the node to its corresponding integer index. :param hyperedge_ids_to_indices: for each hyperedge ID, maps the hyperedge ID to its corresponding integer index. :returns: sparse.csc_matrix -- the transition matrix as a sparse matrix. """ M_out = dmat.get_tail_incidence_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices) M_in = dmat.get_head_incidence_matrix(H, nodes_to_indices, hyperedge_ids_to_indices) W = dmat.get_hyperedge_weight_matrix(H, hyperedge_ids_to_indices) D_v_out = dmat.get_vertex_degree_matrix(M_out, W) D_e_in = dmat.get_hyperedge_degree_matrix(M_in) D_v_out_inv = dmat.fast_inverse(D_v_out) D_e_in_inv = dmat.fast_inverse(D_e_in) M_in_trans = M_in.transpose() P = D_v_out_inv * M_out * W * D_e_in_inv * M_in_trans return P def _create_random_starter(node_count): """Creates the random starter for the random walk. :param node_count: number of nodes to create the random vector. :returns: list -- list of starting probabilities for each node. """ pi = np.zeros(node_count, dtype=float) for i in range(node_count): pi[i] = random.random() summation = np.sum(pi) for i in range(node_count): pi[i] = pi[i] / summation return pi def _has_converged(pi_star, pi): """Checks if the random walk has converged. :param pi_star: the new vector :param pi: the old vector :returns: bool-- True iff pi has converged. """ node_count = pi.shape[0] EPS = 10e-6 for i in range(node_count): if pi[i] - pi_star[i] > EPS: return False return True
