BEELINE Evaluation (:mod:`BLEval`) module contains the following
:class:`BLEval.BLEval` and three additional classes used in the
definition of BLEval class
- :class:`BLEval.ConfigParser`
- :class:`BLEval.InputSettings`
- :class:`BLEval.OutputSettings`
import os
import yaml
import argparse
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
from tqdm import tqdm
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
import concurrent.futures
from itertools import permutations
from collections import defaultdict
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from networkx.convert_matrix import from_pandas_adjacency
# local imports
from BLEval.parseTime import getTime
from BLEval.computeDGAUC import PRROC
from BLEval.computeJaccard import Jaccard
from BLEval.computeSpearman import Spearman
from BLEval.computeNetMotifs import Motifs
from BLEval.computeEarlyPrec import EarlyPrec
#from BLEval.computePathStats import pathAnalysis
from BLEval.computeSignedEPrec import signedEPrec
[docs]class OutputSettings(object):
The class for storing the names of directories that output should
be written to. This initilizes an OutputSettings object based on the
following two parameters.
:param base_dir: output root directory, typically 'outputs/'
:type base_dir: str
:param output_prefix: A prefix added to the final output files.
:type str:
def __init__(self, base_dir, output_prefix: Path) -> None:
self.base_dir = base_dir
self.output_prefix = output_prefix
[docs]class BLEval(object):
The BEELINE Evaluation object is created by parsing a user-provided configuration
file. Its methods provide for further processing its inputs into
a series of jobs to be run, as well as running these jobs.
def __init__(self,
input_settings: InputSettings,
output_settings: OutputSettings) -> None:
self.input_settings = input_settings
self.output_settings = output_settings
[docs] def computeAUC(self, directed = True):
Computes areas under the precision-recall (PR) and
and ROC plots for each algorithm-dataset combination.
directedFlag: bool
A flag to specifiy whether to treat predictions
as directed edges (directed = True) or
undirected edges (directed = False).
- AUPRC: A dataframe containing AUPRC values for each algorithm-dataset combination
- AUROC: A dataframe containing AUROC values for each algorithm-dataset combination
AUPRCDict = {}
AUROCDict = {}
for dataset in tqdm(self.input_settings.datasets,
total = len(self.input_settings.datasets), unit = " Datasets"):
AUPRC, AUROC = PRROC(dataset, self.input_settings,
directed = directed, selfEdges = False, plotFlag = False)
AUPRCDict[dataset['name']] = AUPRC
AUROCDict[dataset['name']] = AUROC
AUPRC = pd.DataFrame(AUPRCDict)
AUROC = pd.DataFrame(AUROCDict)
[docs] def parseTime(self):
Parse time output for each
algorithm-dataset combination.
A dictionary of times for all dataset-algorithm combinations
TimeDict = dict()
for dataset in tqdm(self.input_settings.datasets,
total = len(self.input_settings.datasets), unit = " Datasets"):
timevals = getTime(self, dataset)
TimeDict[dataset["name"]] = timevals
return TimeDict
[docs] def computeJaccard(self):
Computes Jaccard Index between top-k edge predictions
of the same algorithm.
A dataframe containing the median and median absolute
deviation of the Jaccard Index values of each algorithm
on the given set of datasets.
JaccDF = {}
JaccDF['Jaccard Median'] = {}
JaccDF['Jaccard MAD'] = {}
outDir = str(self.output_settings.base_dir) + \
str(self.input_settings.datadir).split("inputs")[1] + "/"
for algo in tqdm(self.input_settings.algorithms, unit = " Algorithms"):
if algo[1]['should_run'] == True:
JaccDF['Jaccard Median'][algo[0]], JaccDF['Jaccard MAD'][algo[0]] = Jaccard(self, algo[0])
return pd.DataFrame(JaccDF)
[docs] def computeSpearman(self):
Finds the Spearman's correlation coefficient between
the ranked edges of the same algorithm on the given
set of datasets.
A dataframe containing the median and median absolute
deviation of the Separman's correlation values of each algorithm.
corrDF = {}
corrDF['Spearman Median'] = {}
corrDF['Spearman MAD'] = {}
outDir = str(self.output_settings.base_dir) + \
str(self.input_settings.datadir).split("inputs")[1] + "/"
for algo in tqdm(self.input_settings.algorithms, unit = " Algorithms"):
if algo[1]['should_run'] == True:
corrDF['Spearman Median'][algo[0]],corrDF['Spearman MAD'][algo[0]] = Spearman(self, algo[0])
return pd.DataFrame(corrDF)
[docs] def computeNetMotifs(self):
For each algorithm-dataset combination, this function computes the network motifs such as
Feedforward loops, Feedback loops and
Mutual interactions in the predicted top-k network. It returns the ratio of network motif counts
compared to their respective values in the reference network.
- FBL: A dataframe containing ratios of number of Feedback loops
- FFL: A dataframe containing ratios of number of Feedforward loops
- MI: A dataframe containing ratios of number of Mutual Interactions
FFLDict = {}
FBLDict = {}
MIDict = {}
for dataset in tqdm(self.input_settings.datasets,
total = len(self.input_settings.datasets), unit = " Datasets"):
FBLDict[dataset["name"]], FFLDict[dataset["name"]], MIDict[dataset["name"]] = Motifs(dataset, self.input_settings)
FBL = pd.DataFrame(FBLDict)
FFL = pd.DataFrame(FFLDict)
MI = pd.DataFrame(MIDict)
return FBL, FFL, MI
# def computePaths(self):
# '''
# For each algorithm-dataset combination, this function computes path lengths
# through TP edges and FP edges, returns statistics on path lengths.
# :returns:
# - pathStats: A dataframe path lengths in predicted network
# '''
# for dataset in tqdm(self.input_settings.datasets,
# total = len(self.input_settings.datasets), unit = " Datasets"):
# pathAnalysis(dataset, self.input_settings)
[docs] def computeEarlyPrec(self):
For each algorithm-dataset combination,
this function computes the Early Precision values of the
network formed using the predicted top-k edges.
A dataframe containing the early precision values
for each algorithm-dataset combination.
Eprec = {}
outDir = str(self.output_settings.base_dir) + \
str(self.input_settings.datadir).split("inputs")[1] + "/"
for algo in tqdm(self.input_settings.algorithms, unit = " Algorithms"):
if algo[1]['should_run'] == True:
Eprec[algo[0]] = EarlyPrec(self, algo[0])
return pd.DataFrame(Eprec).T
[docs] def computeSignedEPrec(self):
For each algorithm-dataset combination,
this function computes the Early Precision values separately
for the activation and inhibitory edges.
- A dataframe containing early precision for activation edges
- A dataframe containing early precision for inhibitory edges
sEPRDict = {}
sEPRDict['EPrec Activation'] = {}
sEPRDict['EPrec Inhibition'] = {}
outDir = str(self.output_settings.base_dir) + \
str(self.input_settings.datadir).split("inputs")[1] + "/"
for algo in tqdm(self.input_settings.algorithms, unit = " Algorithms"):
if algo[1]['should_run'] == True:
sEPrecDF = signedEPrec(self, algo[0])
sEPRDict['EPrec Activation'][algo[0]] = sEPrecDF['+']
sEPRDict['EPrec Inhibition'][algo[0]] = sEPrecDF['-']
return(pd.DataFrame(sEPRDict['EPrec Activation']).T, pd.DataFrame(sEPRDict['EPrec Inhibition']).T)
[docs]class ConfigParser(object):
The class define static methods for parsing and storing the contents
of the config file that sets a that sets a large number of parameters
used in the BLEval.
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse(config_file_handle) -> BLEval:
A method for parsing the input .yaml file.
:param config_file_handle: Name of the .yaml file to be parsed
:type config_file_handle: str
An object of class :class:`BLEval.BLEval`.
config_map = yaml.load(config_file_handle)
return BLEval(
def __parse_input_settings(input_settings_map) -> InputSettings:
A method for parsing and initializing
InputSettings object.
input_dir = input_settings_map['input_dir']
dataset_dir = input_settings_map['dataset_dir']
datasets = input_settings_map['datasets']
return InputSettings(
Path(input_dir, dataset_dir),
def __parse_algorithms(algorithms_list):
A method for parsing the list of algorithms
that are being evaluated, along with
any parameters being passed.
Note that these parameters may not be
used in the current evaluation, but can
be used at a later point.
# Initilalize the list of algorithms
algorithms = []
# Parse contents of algorithms_list
for algorithm in algorithms_list:
combos = [dict(zip(algorithm['params'], val))
for val in itertools.product(
for param in algorithm['params']))]
for combo in combos:
return algorithms
def __parse_output_settings(output_settings_map) -> OutputSettings:
A method for parsing and initializing
Output object.
output_dir = Path(output_settings_map['output_dir'])
output_prefix = Path(output_settings_map['output_prefix'])
return OutputSettings(output_dir,