Source code for src.utils

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import sys

[docs]def getSaneNval(size,lo=1.,hi=10.,mu=2.,sig=2.,identicalPars=False): """ Generates a gaussian random number which is bounded by `lo` and `hi` :param size: number of random numbers to generate :type size: int :param lo: lower bound of sample range :type lo: float :param hi: upper bound of sample range :type hi: float :param mu: Mean of Gaussian distribution to be sampled from :type mu: float :param sigma: Standard deviation of Gausssian distribution to be sampled from :type sigma: float :param identicalPars: Flag to sample single value and return a list of identical values :type identicalPars: bool :returns: - K: list of sampled values """ if identicalPars: k = np.random.normal(mu, sig) while k < lo or k > hi: k = np.random.normal(mu, sig) K = [k for i in range(size)] else: K = [] for _ in range(size): k = np.random.normal(mu, sig) while k < lo or k > hi: k = np.random.normal(mu, sig) K.append(k) return K
[docs]def writeModelToFile(ModelSpec, prefix=''): """ Writes model to file as a python function, which is then imported. :param ModelSpec: ODE equations stored in a dictionary :type ModelSpec: dict :param prefix: Optional argument that specifies prefix to model filename :type prefix: str :returns: - dir_path : path to output directory :rtype: str """ varmapper = {i:var for i,var in enumerate(ModelSpec['varspecs'].keys())} parmapper = {i:par for i,par in enumerate(ModelSpec['pars'].keys())} dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print("I am in " + dir_path) with open(dir_path+"/"+prefix+'','w') as out: out.write('#####################################################\n') out.write('import numpy as np\n') out.write('# This file is created automatically\n') out.write('def Model(Y,t,pars):\n') out.write(' # Parameters\n') par_names = sorted(ModelSpec['pars'].keys()) for i,p in enumerate(par_names): out.write(' ' + p + ' = pars[' + str(i) + ']\n') outstr = '' out.write(' # Variables\n') for i in range(len(varmapper.keys())): out.write(' ' + varmapper[i] + ' = Y[' + str(i) + ']\n') outstr += 'd' + varmapper[i] + ',' for i in range(len(varmapper.keys())): vdef = ModelSpec['varspecs'][varmapper[i]] vdef = vdef.replace('^','**') out.write(' d' + varmapper[i] + ' = '+vdef+'\n') out.write(' dY = np.array([' + outstr+ '])\n') out.write(' return(dY)\n') out.write('#####################################################') return dir_path
[docs]def writeParametersToFile(ModelSpec, outPrefix, outname='parameters.txt'): """ Writes dictionary of parameters to file :param ModelSpec: Model definition dictionary containing the keys 'ics', 'pars', and 'varspec' :type ModelSpec: dict :param outPrefix: Prefix to output folder name :type outPrefix: str :param outname: User defined name for parameters file. Default is parameters.txt :type outname: str (Optional) """ with open(outPrefix + outname,'w') as out: for k, v in ModelSpec['pars'].items(): out.write(k+'\t'+str(v) + '\n')
[docs]def minmaxnorm(X): """Scales the values in X :param X: Input list of values to be scaled :type X: list :returns: - N : list of values scaled between min and max values in input list """ mix = min(X) mx = max(X) N = [(x-mix)/(mx-mix) for x in X] return N
[docs]def normalizeData(P): """ Calls minmaxnorm() for each time series :returns: Pnorm : list of scaled values """ Pnorm = [] for i in range(np.shape(P)[1]): Pnorm.append(minmaxnorm(P[:,i])) return Pnorm
[docs]def normalizeExp(DF): """ Calls minmaxnorm() for each gene across all experiments :param DF: Dataframe containing gene expression values as rows, time points as columns :type DF: pd.DataFrame :returns: newDF : DataFrame with values of DF scaled between min and max of DF """ genes = DF.index newDF = DF.copy() Pnorm = [] for g in genes: P = DF.loc[g].values newDF.loc[g] = minmaxnorm(P) return newDF
[docs]def get_ss(P): """ Return the final time point of the simulated time course :param P: 2-D array containing time course of the model :type P: np.array :returns: - ss : np.array containing the last entry in each time series list """ ss = [] ss = [p for p in P[-1,:]] return(ss)
[docs]def generateInputFiles(resultDF, outputfilenames, BoolDF, withoutRules, parameterInputsPath, outPrefix=''): """ Generates input files required from the Beeline pipeline :param resultDF: The simulation output, rows are genes, columns are "cells" or timepoints :type resultDF: pandas DataFrame :param outputfilenames: List of filenames generated containing individual time courses :type outputfilenames: list :param BoolDF: Dataframe containing rules :type BoolDF: pandas DataFrame :param withoutrules: List of nodes in input file without rules :type withoutrules: list :param parameterInputsPath: Specifies if there are any inputs to the model :type parameterInputsPath: str :param outPrefix: Prefix specifying target directory :type outPrefix: str (Optional) """ for f in outputfilenames: print('1. refNetwork') refnet = [] genes = set(BoolDF['Gene'].values) genes = genes.difference(set(withoutRules)) inputs = withoutRules for g in genes: row = BoolDF[BoolDF['Gene'] == g] rhs = list(row['Rule'].values)[0] rule = list(row['Rule'].values)[0] rhs = rhs.replace('(',' ') rhs = rhs.replace(')',' ') tokens = rhs.split(' ') if len(withoutRules) == 0: inputs = [] avoidthese = ['and','or', 'not', ''] else: avoidthese = list(withoutRules) avoidthese.extend(['and','or', 'not', '']) regulators = [t for t in tokens if (t in genes or t in inputs) if t not in avoidthese] if 'not' in tokens: whereisnot = tokens.index('not') else: whereisnot = None for r in regulators: if whereisnot is None: ty = '+' else: if type(whereisnot) is int: whereisnot = [whereisnot] if tokens.index(r) < whereisnot[0]: ty = '+' else: ty = '-' # Regulator is Gene1 and Target is Gene2 refnet.append({'Gene2':g, 'Gene1':r, 'Type':ty}) refNetDF = pd.DataFrame(refnet) refNetDF.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) refNetDF.to_csv(outPrefix + 'refNetwork.csv',sep=',',index=False) # PseudoTime.csv print('2. PseudoTime.csv') cellID = list(resultDF.columns) time = [float(c.split('_')[1].replace('-','.')) for c in cellID] experiment = [int(c.split('_')[0].split('E')[1]) for c in cellID] pseudotime = minmaxnorm(time) cellID = [c.replace('-','_') for c in cellID] PseudoTimeDict = {'Cell ID':cellID, 'PseudoTime':pseudotime, 'Time':time,'Experiment':experiment} PseudoTimeDF = pd.DataFrame(PseudoTimeDict) PseudoTimeDF.to_csv(outPrefix + 'PseudoTime.csv',sep=',',index=False) PseudoTimeDF.index = PseudoTimeDF['Cell ID'] # ExpressionData.csv if len(resultDF.columns) < 1e5: print('3. ExpressionData.csv') columns = list(resultDF.columns) columns = [c.replace('-','_') for c in columns] resultDF.columns = columns if len(parameterInputsPath) == 0: resultDF = resultDF.drop(withoutRules, axis=0) resultDF.to_csv(outPrefix+'ExpressionData.csv',sep=',') else: print('Dataset too large. Skipping generation of ExpressionData.csv.\n Please sample from simulations.')
[docs]def sampleTimeSeries(num_timepoints, expnum,\ tspan, P,\ varmapper,timeIndex, genelist, proteinlist, header,writeProtein=False): """ Returns pandas DataFrame with columns corresponding to time points and rows corresponding to genes """ revvarmapper = {v:k for k,v in varmapper.items()} experimentTimePoints = [h for h in header if 'E' + str(expnum) in h] rnaIndex = [i for i in range(len(varmapper.keys())) if 'x_' in varmapper[i]] sampleDict = {} if writeProtein: # Write protein and mRNA to file for ri in varmapper.keys(): sampleDict[varmapper[ri]] = {h:P[ri][ti] for h,ti in zip(experimentTimePoints,timeIndex)} else: # Default, only mRNA if len(proteinlist) == 0: for ri in rnaIndex: sampleDict[varmapper[ri]] = {h:P[ri][ti]\ for h,ti in zip(experimentTimePoints,timeIndex)} else: speciesoi = [revvarmapper['p_' + p] for p in proteinlist] speciesoi.extend([revvarmapper['x_' + g] for g in genelist]) result = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index([varmapper[i] for i in speciesoi])) for si in speciesoi: sampleDict[varmapper[si]] = {h:P[si][ti]\ for h,ti in zip(experimentTimePoints,timeIndex)} sampleDF = pd.DataFrame(sampleDict) return(sampleDF)
[docs]def sampleCellFromTraj(cellid, tspan, P, varmapper,sampleAt, genelist, proteinlist, header,writeProtein=False): """ Returns pandas DataFrame with columns corresponding to time points and rows corresponding to genes """ revvarmapper = {v:k for k,v in varmapper.items()} #experimentTimePoints = [h for h in header if 'E' + str(expnum) in h] rnaIndex = [i for i in range(len(varmapper.keys())) if 'x_' in varmapper[i]] sampleDict = {} timepoint = int(header[cellid].split('_')[1]) if writeProtein: # Write protein and mRNA to file for ri in varmapper.keys(): sampleDict[varmapper[ri]] = {header[cellid]: P[ri][timepoint]} else: # Default, only mRNA if len(proteinlist) == 0: for ri in rnaIndex: sampleDict[varmapper[ri]] = {header[cellid]: P[ri][timepoint]} else: speciesoi = [revvarmapper['p_' + p] for p in proteinlist] speciesoi.extend([revvarmapper['x_' + g] for g in genelist]) result = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.Index([varmapper[i] for i\ in speciesoi])) for si in speciesoi: sampleDict[varmapper[si]] = {header[cellid]: P[ri][timepoint]} sampleDF = pd.DataFrame(sampleDict) return(sampleDF)