Source code for BLEval.computeDGAUC

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(rc={"lines.linewidth": 2}, palette  = "deep", style = "ticks")
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve, roc_curve, auc
from itertools import product, permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement
from tqdm import tqdm
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from rpy2.robjects import FloatVector

[docs]def PRROC(dataDict, inputSettings, directed = True, selfEdges = False, plotFlag = False): ''' Computes areas under the precision-recall and ROC curves for a given dataset for each algorithm. :param directed: A flag to indicate whether to treat predictions as directed edges (directed = True) or undirected edges (directed = False). :type directed: bool :param selfEdges: A flag to indicate whether to includeself-edges (selfEdges = True) or exclude self-edges (selfEdges = False) from evaluation. :type selfEdges: bool :param plotFlag: A flag to indicate whether or not to save PR and ROC plots. :type plotFlag: bool :returns: - AUPRC: A dictionary containing AUPRC values for each algorithm - AUROC: A dictionary containing AUROC values for each algorithm ''' # Read file for trueEdges trueEdgesDF = pd.read_csv(str(inputSettings.datadir)+'/'+ dataDict['name'] + '/' +dataDict['trueEdges'], sep = ',', header = 0, index_col = None) # Initialize data dictionaries precisionDict = {} recallDict = {} FPRDict = {} TPRDict = {} AUPRC = {} AUROC = {} # set-up outDir that stores output directory name outDir = "outputs/"+str(inputSettings.datadir).split("inputs/")[1]+ '/' +dataDict['name'] if directed: for algo in tqdm(inputSettings.algorithms, total = len(inputSettings.algorithms), unit = " Algorithms"): # check if the output rankedEdges file exists if Path(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv').exists(): # Initialize Precsion predDF = pd.read_csv(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv', \ sep = '\t', header = 0, index_col = None) precisionDict[algo[0]], recallDict[algo[0]], FPRDict[algo[0]], TPRDict[algo[0]], AUPRC[algo[0]], AUROC[algo[0]] = computeScores(trueEdgesDF, predDF, directed = True, selfEdges = selfEdges) else: print(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv', \ ' does not exist. Skipping...') PRName = '/PRplot' ROCName = '/ROCplot' else: for algo in tqdm(inputSettings.algorithms, total = len(inputSettings.algorithms), unit = " Algorithms"): # check if the output rankedEdges file exists if Path(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv').exists(): # Initialize Precsion predDF = pd.read_csv(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv', \ sep = '\t', header = 0, index_col = None) precisionDict[algo[0]], recallDict[algo[0]], FPRDict[algo[0]], TPRDict[algo[0]], AUPRC[algo[0]], AUROC[algo[0]] = computeScores(trueEdgesDF, predDF, directed = False, selfEdges = selfEdges) else: print(outDir + '/' +algo[0]+'/rankedEdges.csv', \ ' does not exist. Skipping...') PRName = '/uPRplot' ROCName = '/uROCplot' if (plotFlag): ## Make PR curves legendList = [] for key in recallDict.keys(): sns.lineplot(recallDict[key],precisionDict[key], ci=None) legendList.append(key + ' (AUPRC = ' + str("%.2f" % (AUPRC[key]))+')') plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.legend(legendList) plt.savefig(outDir+PRName+'.pdf') plt.savefig(outDir+PRName+'.png') plt.clf() ## Make ROC curves legendList = [] for key in recallDict.keys(): sns.lineplot(FPRDict[key],TPRDict[key], ci=None) legendList.append(key + ' (AUROC = ' + str("%.2f" % (AUROC[key]))+')') plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linewidth = 1.5, color = 'k', linestyle = '--') plt.xlim(0,1) plt.ylim(0,1) plt.xlabel('FPR') plt.ylabel('TPR') plt.legend(legendList) plt.savefig(outDir+ROCName+'.pdf') plt.savefig(outDir+ROCName+'.png') plt.clf() return AUPRC, AUROC
[docs]def computeScores(trueEdgesDF, predEdgeDF, directed = True, selfEdges = True): ''' Computes precision-recall and ROC curves using scikit-learn for a given set of predictions in the form of a DataFrame. :param trueEdgesDF: A pandas dataframe containing the true classes.The indices of this dataframe are all possible edgesin a graph formed using the genes in the given dataset. This dataframe only has one column to indicate the classlabel of an edge. If an edge is present in the reference network, it gets a class label of 1, else 0. :type trueEdgesDF: DataFrame :param predEdgeDF: A pandas dataframe containing the edge ranks from the prediced network. The indices of this dataframe are all possible edges.This dataframe only has one column to indicate the edge weightsin the predicted network. Higher the weight, higher the edge confidence. :type predEdgeDF: DataFrame :param directed: A flag to indicate whether to treat predictionsas directed edges (directed = True) or undirected edges (directed = False). :type directed: bool :param selfEdges: A flag to indicate whether to includeself-edges (selfEdges = True) or exclude self-edges (selfEdges = False) from evaluation. :type selfEdges: bool :returns: - prec: A list of precision values (for PR plot) - recall: A list of precision values (for PR plot) - fpr: A list of false positive rates (for ROC plot) - tpr: A list of true positive rates (for ROC plot) - AUPRC: Area under the precision-recall curve - AUROC: Area under the ROC curve ''' if directed: # Initialize dictionaries with all # possible edges if selfEdges: possibleEdges = list(product(np.unique(trueEdgesDF.loc[:,['Gene1','Gene2']]), repeat = 2)) else: possibleEdges = list(permutations(np.unique(trueEdgesDF.loc[:,['Gene1','Gene2']]), r = 2)) TrueEdgeDict = {'|'.join(p):0 for p in possibleEdges} PredEdgeDict = {'|'.join(p):0 for p in possibleEdges} # Compute TrueEdgeDict Dictionary # 1 if edge is present in the ground-truth # 0 if edge is not present in the ground-truth for key in TrueEdgeDict.keys(): if len(trueEdgesDF.loc[(trueEdgesDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (trueEdgesDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[1])])>0: TrueEdgeDict[key] = 1 for key in PredEdgeDict.keys(): subDF = predEdgeDF.loc[(predEdgeDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (predEdgeDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[1])] if len(subDF)>0: PredEdgeDict[key] = np.abs(subDF.EdgeWeight.values[0]) # if undirected else: # Initialize dictionaries with all # possible edges if selfEdges: possibleEdges = list(combinations_with_replacement(np.unique(trueEdgesDF.loc[:,['Gene1','Gene2']]), r = 2)) else: possibleEdges = list(combinations(np.unique(trueEdgesDF.loc[:,['Gene1','Gene2']]), r = 2)) TrueEdgeDict = {'|'.join(p):0 for p in possibleEdges} PredEdgeDict = {'|'.join(p):0 for p in possibleEdges} # Compute TrueEdgeDict Dictionary # 1 if edge is present in the ground-truth # 0 if edge is not present in the ground-truth for key in TrueEdgeDict.keys(): if len(trueEdgesDF.loc[((trueEdgesDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (trueEdgesDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[1])) | ((trueEdgesDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (trueEdgesDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[1]))]) > 0: TrueEdgeDict[key] = 1 # Compute PredEdgeDict Dictionary # from predEdgeDF for key in PredEdgeDict.keys(): subDF = predEdgeDF.loc[((predEdgeDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (predEdgeDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[1])) | ((predEdgeDF['Gene2'] == key.split('|')[0]) & (predEdgeDF['Gene1'] == key.split('|')[1]))] if len(subDF)>0: PredEdgeDict[key] = max(np.abs(subDF.EdgeWeight.values)) # Combine into one dataframe # to pass it to sklearn outDF = pd.DataFrame([TrueEdgeDict,PredEdgeDict]).T outDF.columns = ['TrueEdges','PredEdges'] prroc = importr('PRROC') prCurve = prroc.pr_curve(scores_class0 = FloatVector(list(outDF['PredEdges'].values)), weights_class0 = FloatVector(list(outDF['TrueEdges'].values))) fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_true=outDF['TrueEdges'], y_score=outDF['PredEdges'], pos_label=1) prec, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(y_true=outDF['TrueEdges'], probas_pred=outDF['PredEdges'], pos_label=1) return prec, recall, fpr, tpr, prCurve[2][0], auc(fpr, tpr)